First off, please know that this is an experiment. We have added weekend support and updated pricing to accommodate this change. Our industry revolves around weekends. Weekends are when we know users like you make your bread and butter. Also, if anything is going to break or not work as expected, it’s going to be on the weekends. To fully support you when you will need us the most, we have added dedicated support on Saturdays & Sundays from 10am – 10pm EST. Phone support will be available by calling + 1 (844) 494-7228, starting a web chat at or emailing [email protected] directly.
This is only an experiment…
Meaning… we’ll test this for 1-2 months and see how much weekend support is actually needed.
We have updated our pricing to offset the cost of adding dedicated weekend support. This pricing change does not affect you if you are currently active on a plan. If you are not currently on a plan and you go to sign up, you will only see our new pricing. If you are not active and want to get activated on one of the older plans, send us an email and let us know you want one of these plans. You can only get on one of these older plans if you get in touch by April 30th, 2017.